How to use public Wi-Fi safely?

Innovative technology has made our daily life modern and comfortable but at the same time, the threats are increasing. The use of smartphones, tablets, and advanced computers has become unavoidable.

Such devices are more connected to the Internet. So a large group of people is wasting their time in the virtual world. Even in the virtual world, there are people of both good and bad natures.

Hackers are now a big challenge on the Internet. Because of this we have to adopt security while living in the virtual world. Here we discuss how to stay safe while using public WiFi network.

Always pay attention to the device

the first step to keep yourself safe in the public network is to set the device you use. Therefore, your device should not be connected to the ‘automatically connect to Wi-Fi’ option.

This option should be turned off to prevent your device from being connected to any Wi-Fi found at any time. Otherwise, your device and privacy may be compromised.

Use and forget

to manually connect to the available Wi-Fi, keeping in mind the number 1 mentioned above.

Used Wi-Fi networks can be manually connected and forgotten after use. Because of this, your device will not automatically connect to that network in the future.

It is necessary to be careful

after entering the world of internet. Double check the networks and websites you use because not all public Wi-Fi networks are reliable.

So don’t trust every public space that connects. There may be a hand of a cyber criminal behind that. Because of this, caution is required.

Use Antivirus Products

You need to use strong antivirus solutions to protect every device you use from hackers. This protects the device from hacking, malware attacks and other viruses.

Don’t just leave the antivirus product unchecked. Update your antivirus from time to time to deal with new threats.

Do the necessary research

Don’t hesitate to check the available public networks. Before connecting your device to a hotel, restaurant or any other area that provides public Wi-Fi, get the details of the Wi-Fi authentication and IP address.

This way you can avoid many problems.

Do not run sites that require passwords

Do not type your sensitive information while using public Wi-Fi networks. Also, do not run websites that require you to log in with your password.

Don’t use social media sites, personal mail IDs, bank account apps and websites at all.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

If you really need to use Wi-Fi network, do it from VPN (KHEL). Internet connectivity via VPN receives encrypted messages which makes it difficult for hackers to hack and also protects your device by protecting the IP address. This also protects you from phishing scams.

Look at HTTPS

After adopting all the security measures and connecting to the public Wi-Fi network, you need to make sure that the website you are visiting is secure.

While surfing the website, make sure that there is a green box in the URL or address bar starting from HTTPS. The green box indicates that the site is secure and has valid digital certificates and updated SSL / TLS encryption.

Adopt Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) can be used to double-validate the verification process. Enabling 2FA to use Hotspot adds another layer of security to prevent cybercrime attacks.

Log out of the site

after use. Before disconnecting from the public wireless connection, log out of the entire site logged by the spy. Failure to log out may result in a hacker’s harmful attachment. So no matter how long you have been on the Wi-Fi network, it is wise to log out.

Useful Links: Free Tools, Google, GEGPC, Bing, Age Calculator, BMI Calculator, Character CounterMicrosoftColor Picker, Date Calculator, GPA Calculator, Percentage Calculator, Robots.txt Generator, Unit Converter, Word Counter, Ecosia, GEGPC.


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