Mary Ritter Beard (August 5, 1876 A.D– August 14, 1958 A.D), historian and feminist, born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and educated at DePauw University. Until the ratification in 1920 A.D of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Beard was prominent in the woman suffrage movement.
Mary Ritter Beard helped to organize women textile workers in New York City during part of this period; after 1915 A.D she traveled extensively in Europe and the Far East with her husband, Charles Austin Beard.
The role of women in history and their rights are the themes of many of her books, which include Woman’s Work in Municipalities (1915 A.D) and Woman as Force in History (1946 A.D). Some of she’s most important writing was done in collaboration with Beard husband, including History of the United States (1921 A.D) and The American Spirit (1942 A.D).
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